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Treating Children

12.07.2002 | 12:25 pm

What a difference 24 hours can make in the life of a family. I went from no kiddos at home to almost everyone home. I have to say that I do not miss cooking for large crowds of people. I don�t mind once in a while, but when you are a school-teaching granny, the energy level has become diminished over the years. I wish it were different, but alas...I have slowed down. I spoke with hubby today about cooking and here is the plan. I am making menus and he is doing the shopping and cooking. You see, as a child, I�m sure hubby was hyperactive. He was lucky enough to have a super patient mother who directed that abundant energy into useful skills. He is a good cook and a �scouter.�I think I�ve mentioned that before. ...hmmm, anyway, he is going to be taking over some of the kitchen duties. I only hope I can get him to clean-up after being the chef. I seriously think I might have upped the need for my knee replacement surgery with all the stair climbing I did in Pennsylvania. Oh well...I am not sorry for one stair climbed.

As for James, my returning son, he is awesome! He looked happy and excited as he came through the terminal to see all the family. Have I mentioned that we have a very BIG family with oodles and oodles of cousins. We do. Many of the cousins were there to greet him. We came home and I ordered mega amounts of pizza to feed everyone. It was a great reunion. Today big brother is taking him shopping and big sister is taking him to do the banking thing: set up accounts, get a new debit card, deposit left-over travelers checks etc. Can you imagine having ANY money left-over...EVER??? Not me.

Something a little unsettling happened as we were enjoying the family yesterday. I received a phone call from the substitute teacher who taught my class. Apparently, Wyatt, my little blind-as-a-bat, ADHD child, was scratched and bruised significantly by his mother and father. The police were called to the school and...oh what a sad mess. I just don�t know what will happen. I feel so sorry for the little guy. He doesn�t deserve to be physically hurt because of his behavior, which in my opinion, his parents could solve through proper care and analysis. And to think that they won�t even go and get the poor little guy glasses! How hard is that? Let me say too, that I know money is not the issue. This school is in a very "high middle-class" area. They live IN A NEW HOUSE TOO! I hope somehow, he can get the help he needs. Perhaps his parents need to have their cage rattled a bit so they will take these problems seriously. I just don�t know.

Always remember... if you treat your children well... if you raise them in love, respect, and security...they will keep coming home to be fed, to visit, borrow your stuff, read your newspaper, pet your kitty, help with the BIG projects, and mess up your kitchen...but I wouldn�t have it any other way.

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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