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Globe Trotting

12.06.2002 | 9:22 am

Thursday December 5, 2002
How strange is our world? I can board a plane in Allentown, with snow coming down in frigid temperatures, and land in Phoenix feeling HOT? There was never such a sad day as today when I left my little angels in the van, crying. I headed into the airport with my luggage....alone. I wanted Marie to head back to Bethlehem quickly because the snow was coming down heavily, and I was afraid she would get stuck...in the snow....with all the little kids...and no Granny :(
The plane trip was long. We sat on the tarmac in Allentown for about 45 minutes while they de-iced the wings. Finally, we took off and headed for Cleveland. I made my connection in Cleveland by the skin of my teeth. They had already called for the final boarding of passengers when I got off the little puddle jumper from Allentown, made my way through the terminal and out to the next gate. I got settled for another 4 hour ride. UGH! I had packed all my books, knowing I would have to carry all my luggage alone. I ended up buying two craft magazines and some earphones to watch a really silly Adam Sandler movie. Thankfully, the language was cleaned up, so the movie wasn�t too painful to watch. It was actually funny in spots, without vulgarity.
My oldest son was at the airport to greet me. It was good to see a happy, familiar face. Hubby was off at a scouting banquet receiving some sort of award to add to his stash of scouting accolades. We got home and started over again. Unpacking, washing, cleaning petting the kitties, which really missed me..getting ready for James to come home.

Friday December 6, 2002
This is the long awaited day for the return of my youngest son from Japan. If you don�t know, he is the last of three of my children, to serve a proselyting mission for our church. That means, he received a mission call from Salt Lake City, went to Provo, Utah, learned to speak Japanese, and has been in Japan for two years teaching people about our church. He has been a good missionary and has influenced the lives of many people for good. I am proud of his accomplishments, and will be very happy to have him home. It seems strange that we were both making our way home, together, from different parts of the globe. What a strange, wonderful, fast paced, gigantic, yet small world we do live in.


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