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Date Night with the Scoutmaster

10/04/2002 | 9:25 pm

Date Night with the Scoutmaster

There is nothing good on the tube tonight. My hubby has been on the internet looking for a poem about an ambulance. I don't know what for...something for Boy Scouts. If you ever run into a young man needing guidance in getting to "Eagle", I know just the guy to help out. I am married to Mr. Scouter. He has every type of training and badge imaginable. Wood Badge, Eagle, tons of Merit Badges, District and state awards and a Silver Beaver. When our first son was born, as I was rolled out of the delivery room, I said, "It's a boy, and you can be the Den Mother." He always was.

I think I mentioned before that he has a habit of messing up cars. The reason for that is SCOUTS! He takes my cars and vans on scout hikes and outings. They never quite recover from the abuse of a scout trips. He likes to haul heavy trailers full of ridiculous amounts of equipment and food to far away locations off the beaten trail. There in the dust and grime, my van becomes one with the scout hike..never to return to normal.

It's almost comical how this genetic disposition for scouting runs on both sides of the family. All my brothers are scouters, to the max. And it looks as though all the sons will follow in the same path. AH what character a scout hike produces... strength, courage under duress, fortitude, endurance, the will to keep going, dirt, grit, smoke, thirst, fatigue, hunger, pain, anguish and in the end...Triumph of the American male spirit!

I say these things somewhat jokingly, but I thing it's really all OK. I just can't ever be the Den Mother!

catsnapples.. .

at home with Mr. Scoutmaster


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