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Sweet Friday

10/04/2002 | 12:43 pm

Sweet Friday

Today it is still mild, cool and pleasant. We took our first spelling test this morning, using the famous quiet folders. Almost all did very well. I had them practice yesterday so they wouldn't freak out today.

As part of our spell test, we do a dictated sentence.The first goals in writing are to use a capital letter, end punctuation, spaces between words and spell thing correctly. Today's sentence was, "I can sit." I know, a real tuffy! You would be amazed at how long we have been working on those elements just to get to a point where we could take a test.

Some little squirrels can't seem to find the line. Others write too big or too spread out. Some want to write all in capitals because they don't like to think too hard and figure out the lower case letters. IT"S A CONSTANT BATTLE for one who used to write beautifully and win handwriting ribons in grade school.

This weekend my child is moving out...I think for good. It has been hard for me as she has moved in and out several times, making major changes in her life. Each time she has moved I have been sad, but also glad and excited for al new chapter and beginning. I have faiith that she will BLAZE a firey trail!

As she leaves, another will soon be returning. He has been gone for two years. He is my musician and serious one. He is the one who truely loves my kitties. I love to listen to him sing and pplay the piano. All that know him agree, he is special. I am so glad he is returning.

catsnapples in first grade and at life


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