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A Beautiful Day in the Desert

10/03/2002 | 4:26 pm

A Beautiful Day in the Desert

Today, as I went out to feed the kitties it was actually "nippy" ! The air was clear, crisp, with more than just a hint of a changing season. What an amazing miracle! We have had endless summer here for so long, it was like stepping onto a cloud and floating. No sweat beads running down the face as soon as you poke your nose out the door.

It was so nice to look out my classroom windows and see clearly, the Superstition Mountains and the McDowells. Both, wonderous sandstone creations that are usually blanketed in dust and smog.The breeze that blew this mornig cleared the polution completely away, leaving only the timeless beauty of the red and purple mountains.

The kids were well behaved and mellow. Afternoon recess went on a little longer than normal, but we were all looking at leaves and seeds from the trees.

We deserve a nice fall since we were robbed of our spring. It has been summer here since March! The lack of rain and arid conditions have made for a bad fire season, leaving our area with terrible errosion problems.

I feel much better. My sores and bumps from Monday are doing much better. I am thankful for all good things

catsnapples in first grade and at life


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