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The New Arrival

02.12.2003 | 1:42 pm

Today is the birthday of the man who freed the slaves. I nearly forgot. Here in the nut tree it has been all Valentines...hearts and flowers. We watched the Second Grade play this morning. It was very sweet. Our music teacher is so conciencious and talented. She paints the scenery and constructs all the bug and vegetable costumes with poster board and construction paper. The theme of the play was the six traits of being good citizens. She teaches them songs, dances and how to play instruments to accompany the songs. The parents will come tonight a with all the cameras and video equipment and it will be just like the Oscars...only much more important and meaningful.

This morning I received a call from Marie in Pennsylvania. Getting a call early in the morning, before school, usually means something is amiss. Indeed it was true. The �other grandma� was taken to the hospital on Tuesday with what they thought was a gall bladder attack. The doctors promptly found three stones, and removed the offending organ lapriscopically. However, on closer inspection, the EKG revealed heart damage and blockages in her arteries. She is having the �stint� procedure done this afternoon to see if they can locate all the trouble. If that doesn�t work...bypass. Marie and Matt are both so worried. She is too young to be having heart problems. I know I have had some issues with the other grandma in the past, but I truly wouldn�t want her to ever suffer anything as serious as this.

Long ago, in another life, I was Fruma Sarah, �the butcher�s dead wife� in Fiddler on the Roof. That was one of the most beloved shows I ever performed. There is a funny scene in which all the town�s people are seen scurrying into a shop to see �the new addition. � As the scene progresses the audience begins to believe that the new addition has got to be a new baby. Finally, at the end of the scene, RepTevia, the main character, comes unwillingly with his wife Golda, to see the new arrival. The players part and reveal, not a new baby, but a new sewing machine that the oldest daughter and her husband have just purchased. My new arrival was something like that yesterday. I told hubby we had a new arrival. He really thought it was a new cat. Ha, ha...a new DELL! I am a little frustrated because I can�t get the Earth-link to work. *argh* So, I am officially in the age of technology now!

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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