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"the other grandma"

01.15.2003 | 9:20 pm

Can I just say that �the other grandma� is going to drive me CRAZY! She does live here in the same town and state as me. It is natural to assume that Matt and Marie would have met and married each other from the same general location. When they moved to PA last year, both sets of parents remained behind in AZ. It is not MY fault, nor should I be penalized, because I choose to sacrifice time from work and pennies from my tight budget, in order to get back to see the M�s x5 more that �the other grandma.� The other grandma� seems to have it in her bonnet, that since the little family with the shared grandchildren will be coming westward at spring break, she should get exclusive rights to their time and schedule. Grrrr and double grrr I am so not happy with the fact that Grandma P thinks she should get exclusive rights to all their time. I really don�t know what to do. I feel I shouldn�t nose in too much, because Marie would really stress out if she knew I was in a *snit* about this whole thing. Maybe in a week, month or in the next life I won�t be bugged by �the other grandma� trying to monopolize all their time, dictating what new babies wear at blessings, and deciding how life should be for the whole world.

Now here is the double whammy. Not only is the trip for the kids being summarily planned by someone other than themselves, but when they come...my hubby, grandpa to the little darlings, will be gone for four days on a scout outing. *more growling and discontent* Every once in a while I have to rattle hubby�s cage and remind him of his priorities. #1 me #2 family #3 work #4 work #5 and WAY down the list...scouting and other volunteer junk. He just gets so caught up in all the fall-der-all of uniforms, merit badges, outings, ranks, advancements... I really HATE it sometimes!

School was nothing but pictures, pictures, pictures today: group pictures of the entire student body in the shape of the big dipper, (don't ask me why) band, orchestra and club pictures. Every few minutes, over the air waves would come another announcement as to who was to go down to the cafeteria to get photographed. There was no peace to be found.

Can you tell my estrogen is off and I have run out of my PAXIL? I am seriously nervous and bugged big time by everything today. Friday I am going in to the DR to get straightened around. THANK GOODNESS! Just give me drugs.

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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