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Love Here-after

02.13.2003 | 7:13 pm

Well, today it rained CATS & DOGS in the desert, which led to a rather feisty and uncomfortable ending to a �no pit stop� kind of day. WHEW! The little squirrels were truly in their best squirrel form. I tried, really tried to make the day pleasant, fun, and full of meaningful, yet non-dismal types of activities. We started the morning with the only true work they needed to do�spelling sentences and spelling pictures. Both assignments went smoothly, with no problems. After music, they settled into the regular �morning work� routine until the office announced �Rainy Day Schedule.� Then the fur hit the bark, over the branches through the pine cones, and into the squirrel dens�they bobbled up and down�in and out�.shouting�HOORAY FOR RAINY DAY! I cringed. There would be no order, peace, or teacher contentment the rest of the day.

I wanted the little darlings to decorate their Valentine bags, finish their journals, and have books in hand, ready for the Principal's call. This week is �I like to read Week.� Everyday, Principal calls over the intercom, �Drop Everything and Read� That is exactly what we should do�if we all have three or four books stationed on our desk�ready for reading! I warned, cajoled, pleaded, begged�PLEEZE have your books on your desk for the call when it comes. Nobody ever listens. This is really true. NONE of the first grade squirrel ears were working today. The call came�the squirrels scurried to book shelves and book boxes�trying to procure the necessary books needed for the 15 minute, silent reading time. *grrr* There was no silence�there was no reading�there was only talking, laughing, sneaking around trying to socialize with friends. *double-grrr* Finally I announced, as all �wicked witch of the west� sound-a-likes will�OK every body sit�read�if you don�t have a book�TUFF, my pretties! Put your head down and be still, till the sand runs out of my 15 minute hour glass. Things digressed from that point. No math was accomplished. They will, sad to say, leave first grade without full knowledge of money and its value. Someone along the way will encounter a shady character, which will cheat them by giving wrong change. They will swiftly blame it on Mrs. B�the first grade teacher, who failed to teach them properly the value of their coinage. *BAH*

Next came time to "TRY and clean-up." All of a sudden there were messy desks exploding left and right�before my eyes. Kindly, nicely, asked I, �Shannon, please throw your garbage away and put your desk in order. Christopher, Eric�you too. Dull, blank expressions met my stare. So I began to help them. Under my breath, I told Christopher to go get the garbage can or I would not be too happy. Three incredibly messy desks later, a parent enters the room to fetch her child. There I am, on my knees, finishing with Shannon�s desk. She had a least 8 of my room books in her desk *bad Shannon* I was a sight! As quick as I could, I dismissed everyone, took the kids to the bus in the pouring rain and came home. I was so upset with myself for losing it this afternoon.

I called the mom who had come in the room and apologized for being angry with the class. She was so sweet. She said, �I don�t know how you teachers put up with everything.� I was just hoping my child hadn�t caused the problem.� Hmmm... what a nice mom. She really made me feel so much better.

Tomorrow we will try to have LOVE in the air as we have computer lab, a read-a-thon, Art and a Valentines party all in one day. I fully expect to be in the here-after...after tomorrow.

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life

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