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02.10.2003 | 10:09 pm

Today in the nut tree we had an explosion of red, pink and white. We had to make Valentines for our buddies. Now, as I see it, the curriculum for G...Public Schools has taken a nose-dive into �cupid�s garden� in order that everyone on the entire campus might receive PLENTY of valentines. Last Friday I had to stuff the kid�s cubbies with tiny, pink order slips for parents to send back to me. These were for parents to buy �Valentine-Grams� from the student council for their little squirrels. Today, many orders were returned, pink slip attached, money tinkling inside envelopes and baggies.

The class at our school for youngsters with severe emotional disabilities is called COPE. The COPE class runs the mail delivery service for the school. That essentially means, my class sends more valentines through the school mail so the COPE class can play mail-man. Yes, it makes them feel very good...but you should see all the trees my kids have killed making assorted and plentiful numbers of Valentines for people throughout the school. This does not even count the normal, grocery store variety they will all bring on Friday for the class party. More dead trees. I hear the forests weeping. Ah...so much fun, romance, *snickers* of joy and laughter.

I�m afraid my gourmet cooking skills have literally �gone to pot!� Tonight I cooked dinner totally from cans I had in my pantry. The only semi-raw ingredient was a shriveled clove of garlic I crushed to try and *jazz* up the concoction.

Years ago, MIL invented a dish that everyone loved called �chicken spaghetti.� Boil spaghetti, throw in Cream of Chicken soup, canned chicken, cheese, and everyone snarfed it up. Tonight as I contemplated dinner, chicken spaghetti came to mind. Hmmm... spirits crossing over, no doubt. I didn�t have spaghetti, so the dish now became �chicken noodles.� Boil noodles, gather various cans of chicken, soup, spices, sour cream for some zip, grated cheese and throw it all together in one pan after the noodles are cooked and drained. �Chicken-a-la-CAN!" It was really BAD! James never complains, but he just kept putting salt and pepper on the miserable, yellow heap of pasta and processed food products. NEVER-MORE...quoth the raven.

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life

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