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Highest State of Allert

02.09.2003 | 12:49 pm

Saturday, Feb. 8, 2003
Today was melancholy in a way. I have a hard time remembering that there are so many friends I have out in the world that are different from me. I tend to be critical, judgmental and shot-sighted when I am angered, hurt or moved to disagreement. All those character flaws: shot-sightedness, being judgmental, and critical, are things that I should overcome and leave behind. I find that when I allow negative thinking to influence my words and actions, I am always unhappy...thus the melancholy of Saturday.

I did get off my behind and spruce up the old place, finish laundry, grocery shopping and other errands. Sometimes, on Saturday, that is a major accomplishment for me, as I am a Granny and lack much energy after a long work week. Since the return of James from Japan, my grocery budget has escalated quite a bit. He came home so thin. Since being back he has gained about 10 pounds, which is good. However, if I don�t go to the grocery at least twice a week...�poor mother Hubbard, goes to her cupboard, alas, the poor cupboard is bare!�

I stayed up far too late working on lesson plans, and I am sleepy. I must turn them in to principal each Monday morning, as do all my colleagues. I don�t like doing it, but writing plans down helps me be much more organized and thoughtful about what I am teaching the little squirrels. I now have 10 years worth of lesson plans for teaching little squirrels. Each year it�s a bit different, and yet not different. Developmentally, first graders learn things the same way from year to year. Concepts like subtraction and long vowel sounds come easier for them after the Winter break. What changes are some of the details, such as resources and lesson materials? So I write new lessons each year.

Sunday, Feb. 9, 2003
The reason I am sleepy is because our church time has changed to 8:30 in the AM. Actually, I like early church once I get used to not staying up so late on Saturday. But now, it is late morning, church is done and I can write, nap and prepare Sunday dinner.

This information is for my friend, rainstripe and for any one else who is perplexed, concerned, confused or frustrated about trying to be prepared for an emergency. I have, for years, maintained a 72 hour survival kit for each member of my family to grab and evacuate with, in case of emergency. Our church has just put up a new web site to provide more information on doing this, along with other helpful things. If you are interested, go here to find out more. We learned all about it today. We are also meeting as a group of ladies to actually put 72 hour kits together. Meanwhile, I am wearing my "flag socks" and I remain...on my HIGHEST state of allert!

I must go see my mother today. I�m sure she will delete me from her WILL; I have been such a slacker! There she is, stuck out in a residence care home, and her daughter can�t make it out more that once a week. So, I have vowed to change...So I will try.

catsnapples~ at first grade and at life


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