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A Grinch in the Computer

12.09.2002 | 8:15 pm

There must be a gnome or a grinch or an evil fairy hiding in my computer. This morning during my break from the little squirrels, I couldn�t find my buddy list. AAACK! I clicked on my list a-ga-jillion times and it kept coming up blank. What a tragedy to lose one�s buddies all in the stroke of one key. I just can�t figure out how it could have happened :( Later, during lunch, I began to reconstruct my list. I had to go back through my diarings and my foggy memory to rebuild. I don�t think I have them all yet. Feel free to sign my guestbook or drop me a note if you know you were one of my favorites, and now it appears I have abandoned you. I�m sorry.

Life back in the nut tree was fairly calm today. I walked into the room. It was clean. The papers and books were stacked neatly. Notes from the substitute were right in plain sight. The only thing of consequence that happened was with Wyatt. I talked with my principal about the whole situation. She told me that the school has done everything legally we can do to insure his safety.

This afternoon we watched the fourth grade version of �A Christmas Carol.� The story was good and the kids did a passable job of acting. However, there were too many backs to the audience:( We went out to late recess. The clouds had rolled in and we were a bit chilly at 68 degrees. Ha ha you guys on the east coast and up north:) This is the time of year, here in the desert, when we receive our reward of balmy weather, for the deadly heat waves we endured the previous summer.

The other Granny came to visit tonight. (Hubby�s step-mom) We looked at pictures of Japan and heard more stories from the mission. James is finally getting a �let-down,� and has a headache and sore throat tonight. He is always excited to tell anyone about his experiences. He has become reacquainted with Polly, the old Granny kitty. She really loved him before he left and always slept on his bed. Now they are both in on my big, king-size bed, watching a movie. Hmmm...I wonder how that happened??

The serious problem I am facing now, is this...I have NO Christmas shopping done! I am getting worse and worse as time passes with procrastination. I hope I can find most of the goodies I need on-line this year. Then the grinch that was in my computer this morning will not be able to spoil my Christmas.

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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