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The Life of Leisure

11.01.2003 | 11:53 pm

I am so, so happy I finally figured out how to access my Pay-Pal account so I could pay up and retrieve my images. Silly me.... I tell little squirrels ALL day long to read the directions at least three times before coming to me for help. Little did I realize that in all the fine print in �All about Gold� which links one to Pay-pal, there is a phone number to call. That blessed phone number linked me with a very sweet and helpful individual, who got me the �secret code� so�s that I could give myself a new password, and pay my bill. YEAH!!!

Marie called from Minneapolis tonight to wish her younger brother a Happy Birthday. (The birthday I forgot) She and Matt are there for the christening of the triplets. If you recall, Matt�s sister, Jenny, gave birth to triplets last summer when I was in PA visiting. Tomorrow they will be blessed and be given names. (That is how we do it in our church) The father does the honors. I think it quite wonderful that Jenny is naming the baby boy after his uncle, Matthew Porter. Melanie and Meredith stayed in Bethlehem with a good friend of Marie�s. Sister Bergoin, is the Relief Society President in their ward. (Congregation) The Relief Society is a women�s organization in our church that functions to educate and provide service to all the women in the ward. Sister Bergoin is staying at Marie�s house and got to take the girls Trick-or-treating. I�m jealous, but grateful she could provide such an important service. In the meantime, my Relief Society President here in my ward gave me a call today to let me know all my church duties would be covered for me while I am out with my surgery. She also told me that she would be arranging meals for hubby and me when I return home from the hospital. Nice, huh!

Today was a stay in bed day. When I awoke this morning, my whole body was stiff and sore from the ordeal that is Halloween in the Elementary school. Hubby and his brother had taken off to Flagstaff to close up our ranch for the winter, and the birthday boy was at work all day. There is nothing quite like sleeping in till 4:00 in the afternoon. Ahh...the life of leisure.

Catsnapples~ in 2nd grade and at life


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