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Halloween Crack-up

10.31.2003 | 10:30 pm

A person KNOWS old age has hit when their neighborhood becomes the one less traveled by the trick-or-treaters. Only two customers tonight. :( A person also knows it is time for a new knee when a person comes home from the day of Halloween, and has trouble walking to the bed just to collapse.

The marathon began last night with the trip to the grocery for the goodies to throw the customary party. I purchased many things form the Mars/ M&M line, due to the fact that they e-mail me every month with the cutest ides for using their candies in crafty, edible goodies. Today it was owl, bat and ghost cookies, decorated with M&M Mini�s. We also made the purrrr..fectest little kittens with a cupcake, chocolate frosting, Skittles for eyes and nose, Twizzlers for whiskers and, cut in half diagonally, Starburst Chews for ears. They were absolutely darling. I can�t count the number of times the squirrels headed for the bathroom to wash hands in between each project. Fortunately, I had three mothers helping me with the merry-go-round of activities. Another strange thing today was our �indoor� costume parade. We are under an air advisory, due to the smoke drifting our way from the California fires. Very strange indeed! I have never seen quite so many Munchkins, Totos, Dorothys and Wicked Witches in one place...ever!

Seriously, I am so glad I have made the decision to get myself repaired. I am deteriorating faster than I realized. I crackle and crunch every time I step on the right side these days. I have actually begun to count-down...20, 19 more days till recovery! Oldest daughter, the newlywed, will be coming over from New Mexico to help the old woman out the first week of December. I�m very glad. Hubby is OK around the house, but he never wipes up counters! As I was talking to her tonight on the phone, she reminded me that tomorrow is my youngest son�s birthday. Honestly...it had completely slipped my mind. I am so ashamed. After all the trouble I took to bring him into the world...and I forget all about it! I think I will have a special dinner for him and my daughter-in-law- on Sunday. Hopefully that will be something I can pull off without going senile in the process.

Catsnapples~ in 2nd grade and at life


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