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New Knee, Bats and Fall

10.27.2003 | 9:43 pm

Today was the turning point in the year. Actually, Sunday a week was the day I actually made the decision. As I was sitting in church, pondering my dilemma�pain vs. surgery�the answer became crystal clear. If I wanted to have any kind of quality of life, I would need a new knee. Dr. Armstrong and I discussed the surgery itself, the recovery period and hospital stay this afternoon. The date is set for Nov. 20. When I took another look at my x-rays, I had no doubt that I had made the right decision. Hubby drove me to the appointment but stayed in the waiting room. He was so funny when I emerged and told him the date for the surgery. Hmmm, says he. That is the week end of the Scout Camporee. I just knew something like this would pop up with him. I told him straight out he would have to forego the scout outing and be at the ready for me if I needed him. The last big surgery I had, which was four years ago, I was in the hospital the same time as my father-in-law. I will venture to say that I got maybe a half hour a day visit from hubby in total. Hubby and all the in-laws spent the majority of their visiting time down the hall with grandpa. Father-in-law has been in the great beyond for some three years now, so my darling spouse has no excuses this time around. Poor little boy...

The squirrels are learning about bats this Halloween season. Every year I always have some little boy who wants to go on and on about �vampire bats.� This year, and last year it has been Matthew. If you all don�t remember, I took my first graders with me to second grade, so I have the same bunch this year. When Matthew began to inform us about vampire bats, I reminded him that he told us the very same information last year and that it was STILL not true. All Matthew could say was, �Oh.� Eventually I was able to get to bat anatomy and discuss some nonfiction, bat facts.

I am so glad our temperatures have finally gone below 100. I have been sick to death of the desert and its �dry heat.� We actually felt a bit of crisp, fall in the air this morning. Ahh...

Catsnapples~ in 2nd grade and at life


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