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Sunday, Scouts and Storms

07.13.2003 | 8:19 pm

I didn�t totally play hooky from church today, but I didn�t last the entire time. I lead the congregational singing during the worship service, so I was there for that portion of the service. I just had to come home after that. My very expensive, titanium hip did not want to sit through anymore meetings today. I don�t know what I have done to the dumb thing, other than put a strain on some of the muscles, but IT HURTS! The barometric pressure here in this desert oven keeps going up and down on an hourly basis. That plays havoc on joint replacements.

Last night we really thought we would get some rain. (It has not rained in 84 days!) In the southern skies we could see the clouds rolling in, bringing with them lightning and thunder. It was so HOT last night that when the rain finally did fall, it sizzled and turned to steam as it hit the ground. All we have to show for the storm is a dirty van. I think we might have received 500 drops at the most.

All day long my door bell has been ringing and presenting little Boy Scouts coming to invade my quiet Sabbath. They have been coming and going all afternoon with permission slips, doctor�s physicals, behavior contracts, and Merit Badge paper work Hubby is now over with the other Scout Masters, checking through all the packs that will be going to camp in the morning. They have to go through each boy�s things to make sure they have nothing, I mean no matches, lighters, candles, aerosol cans, that could possibly start a fire. The fire danger is so great here in Arizona that the camp which they are going to insists on his check. And, if any little guy slips something through the pack check, they will probably get sent home. Oh well, I will be across the country and I will not have to worry about it at all.

Finally, Friday night, hubby got his plane ticket to come out to PA the following week, after camp. HE was fighting me all the way on this one. He always thinks he can�t afford it, or that he will miss something drastically important if he leaves to go see his grandchildren. Of course, spending millions of hours away from the office taking care of Boy Scout stuff is of no consequence. *Hmmm* His sister set him straight and he got on Hotwire and purchased his ticket. I am very relieved. I think all the M�s in PA would have been disappointed if he were not coming. I can see the good he has done for so many boys, but it really BUGS me sometimes.

Have I even opened a suitcase yet? I am SO lethargic about getting down to business. I know in the morning it is going to be a mad dash to get everything done. I hope my hinny end doesn�t suffer too much on my long trip tomorrow.

Catsnapples~ at life


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