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Missing Them

06.18.2003 | 11:36 pm

I am beginning to wonder if people out in the world look at my life and wonder if I am writing fairy tales. Could it be really possible to have such a giant, amiable family? How is it possible that we can do things together without killing each other and hating each other? Is it really true that all the generations still speak, socialize and communicate with each other? It must be some sort of �Middle Earth� where this all takes place. We must all be goodie-two-shoes little nymphs that run around doing nice little favors for each other all day long.

Well I do have days that aren�t perfect. In fact, no day is ever "just right." Many days do not follow the master plan I set out with in the morning. I am often tired to the point of frustration and depression. I get discouraged because I cannot run, jump or move as fast as I once could. I tend to internalize stress instead of lashing out with that stress. I don�t know if that is healthy, but it has saved me having to apologize and soothe hurt feelings, for words that might have been spoken in anger. I think I am one who feels much worse if I hurt or offend. Don't misunderstand...I have had my feelings hurt often, but I just don't see the point in seeking retribution. Some may consider this character trait too passive, but I think I have achieved many important life skills and goals by trying to curb my anger. I see the fruits of this effort in the kind, sweet natures of the fourth generation, my grandchildren, and I am so proud!


P.S. Today I was missing the...


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