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All Quiet on the Western Front

06.17.2003 | 7:55 pm

(Written last night)~ I have just put the kazillionth load of laundry into the dryer and the clock is approaching midnight. Today has been slow, sad and hot�109* We took all the M�s to Sky Harbor Airport this morning and bid them farewell. I knew it would be a very long day for the entire bunch, and hoped that they could make it home to Bethlehem in some sort of sane fashion. About nine o� clock our time, they called, as they had just walked in their door. The temperature in PA is a whopping 50* I am happy for them. They no longer have to endure the frying pan which is the Sonora Desert during the summer.

Every sheet, towel, table cloth and set of clothing in my entire home was soiled this morning. Tomorrow there will be only one or two more batches left to complete. I was mentally challenged this evening as I faced the sticky kitchen floor, knowing it needed mopping, with no gumption left to tackle the beast. Hubby came to my rescue and did the deed for me. Yeah!

The last ten days have gone by so quickly, yet slowly. We as a family, came together to celebrate such a happy occasion. And it truly was happy. The engaged and now married ones had waited such a very long time to find each other. They each, in their own way, had suffered through many heartaches and break ups. It was such a blessing to see them happily married. Pulling off all the social events amid blistering temperatures, flight schedules and the stomach flu was the real challenge.

At the beginning of the week all the little M�s were in fine form, and then the throw-ups began. First Melanie and then

McKay got sick. I think we must have changed sheets three times during one night of happy family togetherness.

During the daytime it was a mad dash, here and there; shopping, preparing food for the reception, making arrangements for people to be here for a party, there for a doctor's appointment, everywhere running errands for me, holding sick children, running to the airport, back to the store, slaving over a pile of celery needing to be diced, tying bows, making hair ribbons, picking up and borrowing decorations for the reception, running to the photography studio, ironing the gown many times, making hubby wear a tie (that was the tough one) and on and on�

During this hectic week, as people flew into town and got settled at different homes, we had to visit, visit, and visit.

My sister (pictured with her new granddaughter) is moving to New York for three years with her husband and her two remaining children still living at home. There they will serve as mission President and companion in the New York, New York City North Mission for our church. This calling involves running all the mission business and taking care of about 200 missionaries who also come to serve. This is a three year commitment! Now you may think taking care of missionaries would be easy, given that they have chosen to serve willingly, but this is not always the case. I see my sister being mom. Mentor, advisor and soul mate to these young people for their entire stay. Anyway, she flew down to the wedding from her almost vacant home in Idaho, and it was good to visit. My younger brother, who lives in California, also came with his family. Hubby�s family lives here so there was no need to fetch them from the airport.

The most unique thing about my family and Hubby�s family is that we all knew each other in college, before we married and went our separate ways. My brother, the Podiatrist, me, and my sister, all married people from the same neighborhood. When we get together it is like our old college days all over again�but with grey hair, grandchildren and bills to pay.

Perhaps the only negative occurance was the fact that the tummy flu hit me like a TON of bricks about 15 minutes before the reception was to end. I had to literally RUN to the potty about four times and lost everything form both ends. I found hubby and he had to shuttle me home in a rush. I missed the cake cutting and the bouquet toss. I was home and in bed, moaning and groaning for the next 24 hours. Oh well... I really feel like I didn't miss too awfully much. Marie got everthing on video. It seems as though the DJ had the entire, sedate Mormon clan

doing the "electric shuffle" before the night was out. It was a FUN time for all, but all is now quiet on the western front...living happily ever after.

catsnapples~ recovering


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