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06.05.2003 | 11:45 pm

As I sit here at the end of a rather long yet fruitful day, I can�t believe all that is happening right now. The individual places, the rooms of my home, are beginning to be readied for the arrival of Marie and her children in less than 36 hours. I have spent the day scrubbing soap scum off showers, shampooing carpets and folding laundry, but my thoughts center more on the things of substance that makes these chores worthwhile. The fact that my children, and now their children, want to continue to return home makes me very content. Although my home is not decorator fancy and filled with high fashioned, new furniture, it has the feel of being lived in happily for many years. I suppose that is the best feeling of all.

Tonight was the gargantuan bridal shower for all the friends and relatives. We had a good crowd and now the living room is piled high with gifts, needing to be sorted and packed for the trip to their new home in New Mexico. I was able to talk with many long treasured friends tonight�friends that I shared young motherhood experiences with long ago. My best friends, Sherri and Donna had children the same ages as mine. When we all lived together in the same little neighborhood about 15 years ago. All the kids were the best of friends. When we lived together we would always apply for tree cutting permits at Christmas time. The first week end in December we would load up the cars with kids and food and head for the hills. Sometimes it would take many hours, trudging through the forest, before each family was able to find their perfect tree. As the years passed, we all moved on and further out into the suburbs to bigger houses. But, we have always come together for weddings, missionary farewells and occasionally funerals of our parents. We are all happy grandmothers now, and it is fun to reminisce and look ahead as well.

Tomorrow hubby and I will celebrate 31 years of marriage. Yesterday, we had a good chuckle as we went to buy him new shoes for the wedding. He was able to get the senior discount because he is 55. YIKES! Here are a few pictures of the occasion so long ago.

Outside the Temple.

At the reception

catsnapples~ remembering


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