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Wedding Preparations

06.04.2003 | 8:38 am

Thank you to everyone who left messages in my guestbook. I truly appreciate all your kind thoughts and concern for me. It is interesting how the RIGHT medication and a good night�s sleep enable one to attack a tremendous project with a new start. A nice relaxing pedicure helps a great dead deal too. By Monday morning my body was beginning to feel like its old self�old but ready to face the challenge of sewing eight tablecloths, ten serving aprons and hemming the wedding gown. I put the finishing touches on the dress last night and it looks fabulous. I also opted to purchase the veil which eliminated a HUGE headache. The bride was having her hair coifed yesterday and needed to take her headpiece and veil to try things out. She came home very happy with the results of her adventure with the hairdresser. To help pass the time, I watched all these movies as I sewed my way to the finish line: Enchanted April, Summer Stock, Green Card, Sleepless in Seattle, Robin Hood, Much Ado ABout Nothing, Field of Dreams, Little Women, and Jumanji. Wow..hands and mind busy!

Today I begin the dirty little task of eliminating all the dust bunnies from the bedrooms and washing some windows. We were talking about where to sleep all the M�s when they arrive from Pennsylvania on Saturday. James is getting shuffled to the day bed in the computer room. Matt and Marie, along with baby McKay will take over James� room because he has a double bed. The little girls get the inflatable bed, but I still haven�t decided where to put that. My house is pretty big (3,000 sq. feet) but we have sooo much stuff packed away in the fourth bedroom that it isn�t an option for use. I think they will end up at the foot of my bed in my room. The whole shake-up is bound to drive my poor kitty, Polly mad. She is old and crabby and doesn�t like change. When things get disturbed in her world she takes out her revenge by going tinkle in obscure corners of my house. It drives my crazy, but what can a kittymom do?

Sister-in-law is putting all the cakes together on Saturday with three of the grown girl cousins, so that little chore has blessedly been taken out of my hands. My other SIL�s are all helping with various aspects of the shin-dig. Podiatrist�s wife, Julie is sewing some more things for me. Other brother�s and their wives will help with punch, fruit and serving the night of the reception. All the teenage cousins are bringing the decorations to the church from the warehouse and setting up next Friday morning. And another SIL, Nanette, will help coordinate putting everything together. She and I put together Marie�s reception six years ago and it looked like a winter-wonderland when we were finished. (January wedding)

I know what some of you may be thinking�Why didn�t I hire this all done? Money is one consideration and the fact that we have a willing and able family is the other. We help each other�that�s it. Collectively, on both sides of the family, there are about 44 nieces and nephews. That�s a lot of wedding receptions to have over the years. It seems to work out better when we work together. The other consideration is the fact that the wedding ceremony, itself, will be held in our Temple with just the adult members of the immediate family. After we come from the Temple, the reception is held more in the manner of an �open hose� or come-and-go affair. Refreshments are light and the whole reception is planned for about two hour�s time. We recieve and greet friends from the entire congregation and many other nieghbors and business acquaintances. At the end, the family all help clean-up, pack-up and go home. The happy couple will be on their way to a fun filled honeymoon. That�s the news from the desert today.

catsnapples~ still the wedding planner


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