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H & H

06.01.2003 | 10:45 pm

How can I describe the last three days but...

Heaven and


I didn�t plan on waking up Friday morning with a roaring bladder infection, but that is indeed what happened. Hubby was off to some interview, it was my son�s 24th birthday, and he was planning on his parents helping with the move to his new house. So, poor birthday boy had no family support for the big move and no happy, cheerful mother, standing by with a delicious birthday dinner, cake and presents. I was disappointed that we just flat let him down. I was too miserable to really do anything other than head to the doctor�s office and await my fate.

Stupid nurse practitioners! They never know what to prescribe for a repeat offender�especially when it comes to that tricky feller�the �ol bladder. Mysteriously, drug-resistant strains of germs lurk there, just waiting to lead the poor unsuspecting, weak Bactrum astray. Indeed, the medication masked my symptoms for about 24 hours and then everything came growling and roaring back with a vengeance this Sunday afternoon as I was finally preparing a belated birthday dinner for the boy. I got all the food on the table, ate, and scurried off to URGENT care, as my situation was, again, URGENT! Sure enough, the microscope did not lie�there they were, those pesky bacteria. Bad, bad, germs�spoiling my week end like that. Now I get to take CIPRO. Yes, that is the antibiotic made famous by the Anthrax scare. It is so expensive, I can�t believe it. I am going to have to uninvite 50 people from our wedding to pay for the stuff. As with all �good� heath insurance plans, mine doesn�t cover fully, anything that might not have a generic or would actually WORK to cure the problem. *gnashing of teeth*

The wedding is starting to finally stress me out. I have been running around town, doing all the things a regular person would have done months ago. School somehow gets in the way of really BIG projects. Now that I am free of the squirrels, I am trying my durndest to play catch-up. We decided Saturday that the gown needs to be totally hemmed, so the bride doesn�t trip. I can plan on about three hours behind the machine. Then, finalizing the cake, croissant filling, music, etc. is about to drive me CRAZY. Add to that the fact that it is 100 trillion degrees Fahrenheit here�..


Ok�that is all the complaining I have time for. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Wish me luck on the down hill slide toward the wedding.

catsnapples~ at life


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