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Twinkling Lights, Sparkling Punch

05.28.2003 | 9:47 pm

Tonight I sat with my oldest child, the engaged one and we worked on her wedding. She was addressing the last of the invitations and I was putting together beautiful lavender bows with silk roses and tiny pearls. They look so lovely I can hardly believe their beauty. I have made about 50 large bows with a variety of lavender and plumb colored roses in the center for part of the decorations at the reception hall. They will adorn the white lattices that will mask the walls of the recreation hall at our church. At one end of the hall will be the serving tables with large flower arrangements, white baskets with delicious chicken croissant sandwiches, fresh fruit with a delicious fruit dip, my Scottish shortbread decorated with a drop of chocolate, white grape juice with ginger ale to make it sparkle and beautifully created lemon or strawberry, cream filled wedding cake. The tables in the center of the hall will be draped with white cloths and topping them off, lavender fabric, set on the diagonal with fresh flowers in the center. Since we cannot light candles in the building, the entire room will be sheathed in ivy garlands, hiding tiny twinkle lights, purple pansies and my beautiful bows. I think it will be like heaven!

catsnapples~ mother of the bride


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