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Hot Wedding Planning

05.27.2003 | 11:57 pm

My, oh my, it was HOT today here in the desert�107*! I did nothing but run around doing wedding stuff today in the heat. I am sticky and disgusting from sweating so much. The engaged one and I picked out all the silk flowers for the table decorations this afternoon. I put together 50 arrangements this evening as I watched an old flick. Nothing good on regular TV.

I can hardly believe how quickly I changed gears from squirrels, school and moving boxes to wedding. It seems as though my life has been this way ever since I began teaching. My children, though adults, are always in a state of flux. It is not that I feel obligated to help them, but it is our way, our family way. We help each other�that�s all. I have gone from sending missionaries off to foreign countries, to helping with new grandbabies, to weddings, to funerals, and back to family parties, functions and falderal...again and again. *sigh*

I must go to bed. I have the arduous task of making hubby go shop for new shoes and shirts tomorrow. This one activity seems to put more of a strain on our relationship than anything else. He does not see the need to look tidy and presentable. Oh well�my trials.

Catsnapples~ preparing for the wedding in 2 � weeks


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