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Nuts...No Nails

05.15.2003 | 8:16 pm

This week has been a jumbled up blur. I go from one day to the next without any particular plan�planning as the situation warrants. I get an F for planning!

The kids are so very restless and insatiable when it comes to activities. I have started the gargantuan task of packing up and removing my personal belongings from my room. I have set up a table out in the hall. As I fill each box, I label it and set it gingerly out amongst other friends. I not only have to keep all my first grade text books, but I will be gaining second grade books as well. It is quite a juggling act to keep the squirrels happy and occupied in the nut tree while the head squirrel tears down the nest and prepares to move to new digs. In a way, it is good to move every few years. I would never thoroughly sort and clean through things otherwise. As I went through my desk this afternoon, I found some very interesting things; note pads for every month, mountains of stickers, enough stamps and smelly stamp pads to open a store, and the contraband loot from the kiddos. I must have thrown out five of six little pencil sharpeners, assorted Cracker Jack type toys, decorated pens, and any number of other miscellaneous items. I also unearthed several pictures of myself, taken over the years on picture day. Oh boy�no joy there.

Tonight I have been digging away at the remaining bit of my acrylic nails. They are such a pain to remove. I soaked the*durn* things in nail polish remover for about 15 minutes and then started hacking away at them, A couple of them are a little sore and ALL of them are totally UGLY! This is the only sacrifice that my new budget has put on me that I don�t like. I am actually doing very well otherwise. I find that I have more than enough money to take care of emergencies as they arise, as I have curtailed my spending to necessities. Humm�maybe there�s a lesson in this exercise.

I actually cooked a real dinner tonight�fried chicken with rice and salad. I have been so very tired after my ordeal in the nut tree every day that I have had absolutely no energy to cook, clean or do anything else of value at the end of the day. Tuesdays night, I fell asleep on the bed after school, and missed the Ice Cream Social at school altogether. I think my principal wasn�t too happy with my �no show� performance. Oh well�

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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