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Long Lists & Hot Days

05.13.2003 | 9:22 pm

The nut tree is full of wood peckers these days. It is all I can do to keep everyone occupied, happy and busily engaged in meaningful activities. We are doubling up on stories from the basal reader this week to make everyone think they are �super readers!� This is, of course, a cover-up for not actually finishing all the stories. Some of my squirrels have moved into second grade math and are regrouping. (carrying) In a way it is nice because I have sort of thrown out the old routine and am just playing each hour, by instinct, so to speak. Today it was literally half hour by half hour through the afternoon. It is incredibly HOT here in the desert and they are all restless and antsy to move on.

I corrected and graded a stack of high frequency spelling words and creative writing assignments tonight. I am continually amazed at the knowledge and imagination my little writers display. Yesterday they wrote a �sloppy copy� about their favorite animal. (A sloppy copy is a rough draft) The facts that some of them wrote, made me realize how much their parents read to them and teach them at home. Of course, I did the same with my own children too. One little guy wrote about great white sharks. He told how they have helper fish that swim alongside them to eat all their dead skin up. YUMM! Another wrote about how sharks swim differently from other fish. I think this is pretty amazing for first graders. The girls wrote all about their fluffy kittens and puppies. ..typical. Almost all the kids have had their parents bring in the family pet sometime during the year. What a RIOT that is!

The engaged one was here tonight, entering names into the computer for the wedding invitations. I know this will be hard for some to fathom, but the reception list is at about 600. Her one and only bridal shower is at 72 invites right now. Hubby�s auntie and some friends from my congregation are hosting the bridal shower. Aunt Donna wasn�t fazed in the least when I called to tell her the number on the list. It really helped that I brought over all the labels, nicely typed, and the postage stamps to ease the shock a bit. She is a very sweet and generous lady. She has been a true friend as well as a lovely relative for many years. The night of June 5 will be a wild one!

The M�s have their plane tickets and will be here with me, at my house on June 7. I can hardly wait. So many things must come to fruition before they arrive. School must end. I must pack up all my precious belongings and change classrooms. UGH! Hubby gets to come and do all the leg work for that project. All the wedding invites must be signed, sealed, and delivered. I must become The Tailor of Gloughster and alter the beautiful wedding dress. I must go to SIL�s house and help bake and decorate wedding cakes, and put together some other goodies. I am also supposed to take graduate course work this summer too. I don�t think this will happen. I suppose it will all end well�somehow. *P.S. Isn't this just the cutest kitten*

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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