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All That is Mother's Day

05.11.2003 | 3:13 pm

Happy Mother�s Day to all you out there who are mothers: those who take care of and love others. We had a very nice Mother�s Day service at church today. The little children sang a medley of songs that brought the congregation to tears. We also had some very lovely talks by two youths, aged about 14 or so�one a boy, the other a girl. They both gave very loving tributes to their mothers. The M�s are in Pennsylvania today, but I opened their gift while talking to them on the phone. Melanie, the oldest, was so sweet and told me �Happy Mother�s Day�and�I love you,� at least three times. I guess the best part about the day is that we love each other so very much.

Yesterday I basically told hubby what I wanted him to do for flowers and dinner. He is being a good little do-bee and is fixing a steak and baked potato dinner. I learned a long time ago that with my hubby, it is just easier to tell him what I want. Then, he can proceed to fix things up in a grand fashion to my heart�s delight. For instance, I told him yesterday, that I didn�t want a cheap grocery store corsage that would fall apart and look funny pinned on my dress. So, he quietly got in the car and tripped on down to the local florist, where they had a variety of much nicer selections for Mom. The corsage he got me was and orchid�very beautiful!

Later, we will go to visit both our mother�s�Grandma M, and Granny B. They are both dedicated women who spent many years in service to us. I love them both very much. Here is the product of our thirty �one year union. I suppose it isn�t the best picture, quality wise, but character wise it is a diamond! If only I could get that husband of mine to smile!

catsnapples~ on Mother�s Day, 2003


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