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Cleaning, Farming and Squirrels

05.04.2003 | 9:12 pm

Saturday, May 3, 2003
I worked like a Viking scullery maid today on my house. Everything that my skin had touched in the last week got laundered�from curtains to rugs to clothing, towels and sheets. I dusted every surface with Pledge or Windex and vaccumed all the carpets in every corner of the house. Hubby was out on the �north forty� (front yard) farming most of the day. First he got the threshing machine going (mower) cut and bagged a mighty harvest of grass, clippings and weeds. Then he went over to BIL house to borrow another handy farm implement�a roto-tiller! He then proceeded to till the soil about our piece of earth to make it ready for planting of chili plants, tomatoes, zinnias and other such hearty vegetation that will survive the scorching desert summer. Believe it or not, through all this farming and getting down to the dirt, he managed to take his shoes off each and every time he ventured into the clean kitchen for water and sustenance. I was so proud of him! He never remembers of take care to leave his dust at the door when I have just finished cleaning the kitchen and family rooms. Give that man a prize. We have only been hitched for 31 years and he is finally realizing that the work I do at home has meaning�like I don�t want to repeat my jobs and I MEAN IT!

The engaged ones were in and out all day working on wedding plans. They were able to register at Dillard�s for china, crystal and silver and then at Target for everyday things. They were so funny when they showed up in the evening. They reminded me of some little kids let loose in FAO Schwartz or Toys R Us. They also got all the flowers ordered and the photographer in line. Big sigh.

Sunday, May 4, 2003
Today was pretty much a regular Sunday for us. Early church, lunch, nap, choir practice, visit mom, come home.

I tried calling the M.�s in Pennsylvania several times, but they were out and about. Yesterday when I talked with Marie, she was alone with the kids, the dog and a dead squirrel. Buster, their dumb dog, killed one of the squirrels that inhabit the trees in their back yard. Marie was so upset with him. She had scolded him and he was sulking in a corner of their yard. She basically called me to ask what she should do with the squirrel, since Matt was gone on a scout hike and had taken their shovel. I told her to put on her rubber gloves, take a pair of tongs from the kitchen and collect up the poor dead thing. Then, wrap him in some newspaper, a garbage bag, and set him out with the trash on Tuesday. Eww�I know. So today, I still don�t know the outcome of the squirrel saga in Bethlehem. I hate having a three hour time difference between them and us. Whenever I want to talk to them it is always too late. Who invented Daylight Savings Time anyway?

catsnapples~ at home on the weekend


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