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May Day

05.01.2003 | 8:22 pm

May Day�May Day�. We had May Day today! I have to admit that I don�t know much about the genesis of May Day, beings that I grew up in the Wild West, and we didn�t much culturize ourselves but� today was a good excuse to skip math in the nut tree and make some pretty little baskets that I pulled off the internet. I have a few favorite spots on the net that provide the most interesting crafts to keep the squirrels happy in the LONG afternoons. I do mean LONG. From lunch to ending bell it is exactly 3 hours and 15 minutes of pleasure, torture, wrestling match, IRON wills vs. me and so on. If you go here you will discover my secret treasure trove of nifty craft ideas for all ages of little munchkins.

Yesterday we were up to our elbows in green tempera paint making those famous amphibians�American bullfrogs. There is a reason I swore off tempera paint some years back. Somehow, in my current dementia, I forgot my vow of paint less poverty, and got out the green tempera yesterday. The project seemed harmless enough, but I didn�t take into account the messy fingers, the need for all the squirrels to make several trips across the hallway to the bathrooms for hand washing, and the tempting urinals the boys just HAD to take a slide down. Yes, that�s right, they were playing slide down the urinals x 3. My, oh, my, that is a funny note to write home about. Dear Mrs. So n� So, Little Johnny was sliding down the urinals in the boy�s rest room today. Please talk to him about remembering school rules. Sincerely, Mrs. B�UGH! (Note X 3) The frogs turned out mighty fine, but I was exhausted.

I am really looking forward to having the crown on my back molar completed tomorrow. Having a temporary crown is somewhat akin to having a broken leg with a crack in the cast. The whole set-up is OK, but annoying and irksome. By the end of a full day of talking and instructing the squirrels, my mouth is sore and tired. I don�t think my dentist fully appreciates my dilemma. It is always a joy to make a car payment for him.

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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