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04.19.2003 | 3:13 am

I could be this poor little fellow today. At least, I felt like it. Can you imagine...three hours in the chair! Three hours in the grinder's chair! I am awake now...in more ways than one. I am not able to sleep, because my mouth is awake and boy can I tell we did a lot of messin' around in there today. The root canal part of my ordeal went fairly well. However, when the grinder started in on the crown prep, things went somewhat awry. He couldn't get some sort of compound to set up right and ended up drilling and replacing the durn thing. That detour took and extra 45 minutes. Needless to say, I was tired and a little shakey by the time he was finished.

Not making bail can be pretty discouraging. I feel sorry for the poor kid. Sometimes life puts so many restraints on a person, a person can feel trapped. Budget restraints have caused me to make a painful decision. I must give up my beautifully manicured nails for the lousy, real things. My nails are pathetic all on their own. After perusing the budget, or lack thereof, hubby and I have decided to tighten the belt and try being more accountable for expentatures. OUCH...I hate it! Hubby and I do so many things well together~ raise good kids, give to the community, share our time and talents...but we have never communicated well about or spending priorities. We had a long, serious talk with a good friend about how to improve our proceedures when it comes to our finances. I was pleasantly surprised when hubby agreed to follow this friend's advice. However, my part of the bargain is to make lists before going to the store and then to stick to them! Oh well...freedom to spend is not in the constitution or Bill of Rights, so I guess nothing has truly been forsaken.

I got two sweet pictures in the mail today...drawn by my granddaughters. Melanie, who is four, can write her name and is the star of her preschool class. Meredith is just beginning to write "M". I miss them so much sometimes. The only disadvantage to their living so far away is missing the little, day-to-day things. I remember so often as I was dealing with my own small children...wishing I could work to be able to afford more "things" in my life. The thought that kept me close to them and home until they were big, was knowing I would miss all those day-to-day things. I would miss the first attempt at some new achievement of triumph. I could't bring myself to make a choice of material things over children. Consequently, I have never had new cars, furniture or other luxuries. We live comfortably, but certainly not lavishly. So now, the little people in my life are far away, and I miss them. I think I have a greater appreciation for those young motherhood years, which at the time, seemed drawn out and tedeous, but now seem the most exqusite luxuries.

catsnapples~ at life


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