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Young Minds and My Roots

04.16.2003 | 7:30 pm

The nut tree has been so much fun this week. We have painted with our tiny hands using Karo syrup and tempera paints, observed and drawn six types of desert cactus, and woven berry baskets into colorful spring creations with brightly colored pipe cleaners. Tomorrow, to top it all off, we will make these bees.

I have been fortunate to have a mom helper come in that really knows how to help in the classroom. She was so nice to buy all the berries to obtain the baskets for our project. She made a lot of freezer jam with those 22 baskets of strawberries. Then, she came to school and ran around the room helping all the squirrels weave their projects. I had purchased Skittles and plastic eggs to fill for the baskets. Another mom brought in the plastic grass to for their baskets. After we finished the weaving and filling, I allowed everyone to eat two pieces of candy before lunch, and rest had to go home for eating after school.

Today we finished up our study of the desert with observations and drawings of cactus. I found miniature cactus plants at Walgreen�s last week for the class to use in their observations. The squirrels did an awesome job of drawing what they observed. I was pleasantly surprised at the detail and accuracy of their drawings. Today we also discussed the differences in the yearly seasons; comparing a place that has four distinct seasons to our Sonora Desert year. I was very happy with the depth of understanding the children showed as we read and discussed this topic. I have several students whose heritage is both Hispanic and Native American. They were very keen to share what they knew about life in the desert�not just life in the urban desert.

Tomorrow is a half-day for students. We get to stroll through the sixth grade country displays and make Snickers bees. The same helpful mom from the basket project is coming to help the squirrels make cute yellow icing lines on the bee bodies. It should be a BLAST! After the kids go home, we will then be treated to 2 � hours of GLORIOUS teacher in-service classes. I can�t think of anything I would rather do than sit through more classes trying to help me be a better teacher. The only thing worse would be a root canal�

Speaking of which�Good Friday I will be in the dentist chair having a root canal done. I know you are all envious. Such are the joys of growing old!

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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