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Classy Elegance

03.03.2003 | 7:08 pm

I got the nicest new little squirrel today in the nut tree. I now have 22 squirrels, but it is so fortunate that I will have such a nice one. His name is Anthony. He has blue eyes, he stays on task, he is a great reader, and as far as I can tell, does very well at math. I also found out through the grape-vine, that it is official�I will be looping to second grade next year. I really hope most of my kids will want to go with me, and not go to another teacher. There is always the possibility that some will want a new teacher. We shall see.

Daughter has been e-mailing me pictures of gowns. They are all sooo pretty. I love wedding gowns, fresh flowers, live music, tinkling crystal, luscious fruit served on gleaming silver, sparkling punch and fancy cream-filled cakes. Although she says she doesn�t want anything elaborate, I think a once in a lifetime event should be classy. I, myself, am not Martha Stewart, but she does know how to put things together with that �touch of elegance� which we can try to emulate to a degree. We do need to get down to the nuts and bolts of the operation soon. She told me today that she had started a �to do� list. That means I will get �to do� much in the way of preparation and planning. I wouldn�t have it any other way. What do you think of this one?

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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