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Bubble Babies

01.27.2003 | 9:20 pm

Yesterday, someone from Nome, Alaska read almost every entry I have ever written...twice...strange.

In weather news...here in the beautiful Arizona desert it was...drum roll please... 82 degrees today!

The nut tree was calm as a summer�s day. I am so fortunate this year in that I have a very small class...only 20 right now. Today three were absent so it was extremely quiet. It is truly amazing how the absence of a few squirrels allows teacher to give so much time and attention to the ones who remain. Several prominent studies have been conducted in the educational field regarding class size and teaching effectiveness. It seems as though the magic number is *15* The greater the student load over that number, the less effective a teacher is in achieving academic goals with students. Can you really imagine any state legislature, anywhere, allotting monies enough to allow a 15 to 1 student/teacher ratio??? What a comical thought. Most of the upper grades at our school are sitting at 30 to 32 students per class.

I was able to spent individual time with two students as they tested on the computer to be placed in Accelerated Reader. AR as we call it, is an individualized reading program which allows the children to read books, test on the computer, and advance at their own pace. The reading they do is strictly for fun and practice, but provides many benefits. First, there are the motivational aspects. They develop a love of reading. They want to succeed on tests and advance in difficulty. They are learning so much simply by the exposure they get through reading so many different types of books. They experience the joy and love of reading...a life-long, important habit. Can I say... � I DO think reading is just the MOST important of skills!�

I called Pennsylvania tonight. All the little grandkids were in the tub. Marie talked to me on the portable phone from the bathroom. Baby McKay has grown too big for the kitchen sink and gets to take his nightly dunk with the girls. They take turns, every other night, getting to hold his head and washing his hair. Isn�t that just the cutest thought...two sweet sisters, bubbling up brother�s dark little mop of hair in the bathtub every night. Soon, in about six weeks, they will be here, in my house, taking a dunk in my tub. I can�t wait for the fun!

A final thought...Life is precious, do not abort.

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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