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Mane n' Nails

01.28.2003 | 9:14 pm

I wore SANDALS to school today!

I told my principal today that I would consider looping to second grade with my class if she wanted me to. What that means is that I would graduate, along with all my little squirrels to second grade. I would continue to be their teacher next year. If I could choose a class to teach again, this would be the class. All of a sudden this week, I got really weary of first grade stuff...writing, giving instructions repeatedly in a variety of modes, and all the other associated first grade trivia. As I looked at the little Eskimo Boy holding a fish, that each child had colored, cut and glued together...I realized that I had viewed this exact sight on my reading table no less that ten times previously. This fact holds true for a variety of other exciting first grade creations that we construct in the nut tree throughout the year. I don�t know...it all of a sudden seemed so ...futile, as Charley Brown might say. Maybe I just need to take a long walk through �Teaching Tools�, a local teacher supply store, with a loaded check book. Perhaps that would pull me out of the doldrums.

I had some interesting comments from friends about Accelerated Reader~ its credits and debits. I can�t imagine any school punishing children for not excelling at this program. A good teacher friend, dana-elayne told me "that is how it is" in her neck of the woods. ARGH! Luckily, in the first grade nut tree, Accelerated Reading is JUST for fun and practice. Because I treat the whole experience with an eye for fun and pleasure, the little squirrels seem to enjoy reading and accelerating. I wish it were true everywhere.

My friend, auntie-mari will be happy to know that I was finally able to weasel my way into the salon for a much needed hair-cut this afternoon. What with all the trips so recently taken to Pennsylvania, I had completely ignored my regular coiffure appointments...and had begun looking like a very shaggy lioness. *grrrr* Janet, my miracle worker hair-dresser was finally free this PM and my mane is tamed for the time being. After the hair, I toddled on down to the Vietnamese Nail Emporium and got my claws sharpened. My, my, my...is that all I have to do is spend money on vain dreams of eternal beauty? Yes, tonight I needed a little pampering. Now that I am all gussied-up and beautified, I can take another look at auntie-mari�s Valentine wish list, and actually make some headway with the hubby on jewelry, fancy dinners and hotel suites! Oooo, la, la!

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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