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Counting to 100

01.25.2003 | 8:04 pm

Friday, January 24, 2003
It is amazing to believe, but today was the 100th day of school here in the nut tree. The whole school was �a-buzz� with hundred day activities. Most of the intermediate grades don�t get into celebrating this day by counting 100 things, but down in the 1st grade trenches...counting 100 of anything is the watchword of the day. Usually teacher sends home a list of potential items each little squirrel can bring to school in a baggie, which would be appropriate to count, such as: raisins, Cheerios, chocolate chips, pretzels, beans, buttons, Froot Loops, Chex, paper clips. You get the idea...anything small. Almost all of them bring something eatable, and why not? That is half the fun of counting to 100...eating to 100 too! We also watched 101 Dalmations in honor of the grand occasion. In the afternoon, our buddy class of fourth graders came over and we counted to 100 again. This time it was Froot Loops,( the generic kind, provided by me), string and everyone was busy counting, crunching and stringing Froot Loops into beautiful necklaces. My room had the delectable odor of fake fruit for the rest of the afternoon.
*Nikkaila brought her hamster for show and tell. I made everyone get three books from the room library and sit at their desks while she brought �Berry� around to each of them. The room was blessedly quiet after all the hullabaloo of the necklace stringing and hour earlier.
I WANT A HAMSTER! He was just the cutest little rodent. Hamsters have the funniest hinny-ends on earth.
* Matthew also brought an interesting item for show and tell. Actually, mom and dad brought it in. It was an immense, remote-control truck that could have caused serious injury if I had not had the class in such good order. I am not kidding when I say this thing had blasting sound and lights, stood about 24 inches tall, and was almost a yard long. This is also the child who received a palm pilot for Christmas! Do I wonder why this child has behavior issues when it comes to grabbing attention and getting his way?? NO!

Saturday, January 25, 2003
I am all done in from the big 100 things day. I keep trying to lift my head off the pillow in an attempt to be industrious today. I have failed miserably! My arms ache, which is a good indication I am fighting off some sort of �bug.� So far I have managed to change the sheets on the bed, shower, and climb right back into bed. Hubby has been busy running errands and doing my bidding today. *sigh*

When I have a Saturday like this one, I end up digging through my �chick-flicks� and watching mushy movies all day. I have watched Sabrina (the new one), You�ve Got Mail, and While You Were Sleeping. Hmmm... They still didn�t make me feel too romantic. Maybe it�s because I got the results back from my �pap� and it is abnormal. Don�t you just relish the answering machine when you come home after a long day, blinking that you have a message, on a Friday, after 5 PM, and there you hang.... �Mrs. B..., this is Dr. M�s office calling. We got the results back on your pap test and it shows there are some inflamed cells...� What the heck does that mean??? I have to go see a specialist. DRATS! I can�t even get in to see someone till Feb. 10...two weeks. I suppose that isn�t too bad. *frown* I hate waiting in DR�s offices, running around getting labs done, and then being anxious about test results. I hope I don�t end up fretting ...but I always do. I guess I'll try counting...to 100.

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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