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Whinin' & Complainin'

01.22.2003 | 10:10 pm

We are all being very quiet with our head down right now. After a frustrating time of trying to fix in our minds the concept of number families, I thought recess would help them come around to a more civilized way of thinking. WRONG! Everyone was shoving, pushing and tattling on everyone else till I finally said, �That�s it! Heads down for 10 minutes or until you can settle down.

Sometimes the first grade intellect cannot handle the curriculum that is reqired of them to learn. Their outbursts and frustrations became evident today as we tried to muddle through the math lesson. Number families are three numers that can make four problems like: 2+4=6, 4+2=6, 6-2=4, 6-4=2. We were beating our heads against the wall today. Ugh! Each time one of the squirrels didn�t understand someting, they would whine and complain, get out of their seat and waltz over to me to whine and complain in my face. I was really trying hard to work with a small group at the reading table...the ones who REALLY can�t get it. Two little girls in particular are just like �bumps on a log.� One actually sits and stares at me with her mouth half-way open and her toung hanging out. Poor little thing. She should really be in resource class, but Mom and Dad are in denial that she needs extra help. All they are doing is denying her the help she really needs in favor of their own pride.

Tonight my computer, or should I say oldest daughter�s computer is finally going bye-bye. She is taking it in to have it serviced, then I am assuming, she will take it to her new abode and hook it up so she can actually use it. That�s OK, but I must finish this entry quickly, here at school, so as to not lose any precious words.The M�s x5 are coming to AZ. In about six week I shall have them in my presence for two and 1/2 weeks. I am a happy granny!

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life.


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