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Fly Like Eagles

01.19.2003 | 11:44 pm

No nut tree tomorrow!!! Thank you Martin Luther King for having a birthday. I have to admit that as a girl, growing up in the southwest, I was out of the loop when it came to segregation and racism. All my schools had a variety of colors...albino (that would be me for I don�t tan at all) Native American, Hispanic, Asian and African American. I have fond memories of many friends of all ethnicities...in choir, orchestra, school plays etc. Now, as I review old news stories that feature Dr. King, the Civil Rights movement, the violence and inequality experienced by so many people, I can�t help but hurt and wish I could have done something. In school I make such a strong point with my students as to the importance of kindness, fairness and hard work. I truly believe it is our duty and responsibility to promote the ideals of charity, love and fairness if this world is to make a turn for the better. Ah well...I can only do my little part.

It was a good Sunday today. All my meetings and places to go ended up being strengthening, edifying and pleasant. Daniel, my nephew, who received his Eagle Scout award was a boy to be proud of tonight. During the program, when an Eagle Scout award is given, they ask all those in the audience to come and sit together who have received their Eagle previously. Tonight in that group were my two brothers, my husband, my own two sons and five nephews. As each new Eagle candidate was given an opportunity to tell about their Eagle Project, I was amazed at the amount of time, planning and effort that had been made to complete extensive projects. Two of the boys had raised money, organized work crews and rebuilt cabins at a camp that was damaged by flood waters. One boy collected over 1,000 pounds of food for the local food bank by distributing flyers one week and picking up donations throughout the neighborhood the next. My nephew took a work crew out into the desert and refurbished several hiking trails in Usury Mountain Park, thus making them safe and usable to the public. There was no cookie selling for these guys...although I dearly LOVE Girl Scout Cookies and buy many, many boxes from many, many little girls.

It is time to fluff the feathers and fly to dreamland. I miss my little M�s.. Melanie, Meredith and McKay tonight.

catsnapples~ at life on a Sunday


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