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Dinner and Wreaths

12.11.2002 | 7:03 pm

My oldest daughter has caught the �school teacher� disease that is genetically handed down in our family. Both my parents and Grandparents were teachers. My sister and I, as well as several cousins are teachers too. She began teaching this year, and it has been a typical �first year.�...full of tons of planning, agonizing over discipline, parent contacts, becoming discouraged about failing students, students who could care less about school, pregnant seniors who think they need special treatment, rude "jocks", weird colleagues, long commutes, family pressures, and on... She has, fortunately, managed to weather the hurricane quite well. She was over for dinner tonight. When she is funny, she is really funny, and we don�t get much eatin� done. I�m glad to see her happy and making us jolly. James, the little �rice cake� from Japan was laughing too. He is so serious and quiet. He is struggling, I think, with major life decisions now. The mission is completed, now he must think about the future...career, dating, cars, job...all the important stuff that makes the world go �round. Don�t ever think that because the kids grow up and move out that you stop worrying, caring or giving advice. Once you're the parent, you're always and forever, the parent.

My little nut tree was full of acorns and other assorted nuts today. I had to do a checkup on amount and quality of work produced since I have been back. I think I have said this before, but, �Little boys DO NOT like to do things with crayons!� I tell them that their coloring is their �finger workout� each day to make their hands strong and coordinated. Some days it is easier than others to get the message across. Today was a day for several of my best students to erase and re-do sloppy work. :(

I am trying to figure out just exactly what I want to do for parent gifts this year. In years past the kids have made beautiful macaroni wreaths which I have spray-painted green. Then they glue on accent colors of gold macaroni bows, with their picture hanging down through the middle. It really is a pretty project. Since I have missed one week of being able to prepare for this and other art projects, I must limit what we do this year. I might end up just making individual ornaments for each child to give to their parent, using photos I have taken. That way, the kids will still have time to make stained glass stockings, poinsettias, and a Santa Mouse. It is hard to believe that this will be the 10th year I have done these projects in first grade. I�m sure I could construct each one in my sleep....which is what I need...zzzz

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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