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Not The Clothes Folding Fairy...Again!

11.29.2002 | 10:17 pm

She has returned�the clothes folding fairy has returned, and parked herself in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania for the duration of Thanksgiving break. I swore she would never show her face here in mortality again. I was so wrong. I just didn�t count on grandmother-hood, and all the details involved in keeping a household of five + one Granny outfitted in clean clothing, bedding and towels. It is a monumental task. And, considering the fact that all the clothing, bedding and towels become soiled upstairs, and I must see to it that all the laundry makes it downstairs�. my knees are NOT happy campers. There is a good reason why I live in AZ in a one story, ranch style house and that my classroom is on the main floor of the school�.BAD KNEES! I make a point of tying all the sorted laundry into bundles, and throwing them from the top of the stairs to the landing and then on down to the basement. What a sight I am.

Lets have a serious discussion about socks and that illusive thief that manages to ruin hundreds of pairs of socks, leaving the lonely mate to face the cruel emptiness of the sock drawer without a partner. The sneaky intruder makes his way up through the hoses and pipes of the house, into the laundry room, and ever so slyly, snatches the unsuspecting little digit warmers out into the black hole of lost socks, leaving the mate in the washer or dryer, grieving for the lost one. Oh what a cruel fate these poor socks face. Never to be worn again. Never to be found under a bed or in a toy box or in the doghouse�out under the bushes, in the kitchen cupboard or behind the dresser. As Meredith continually says,� It�s NOT fair!� Of course she is two.

My next paragraph will be titled, �Toy Story M.� This could readily be called Toy Story Smith, Brown, or you name it� Let�s just say that here at the house of all the little M�s, there is an abundance of toys. There are toys in the bedroom box, toys in the family room box, toys in the living room box, toys under the beds, behind the dressers, in the doghouse, out under the piles of snow, in the garage, in the extra bedroom closet, in my bed and suitcase and my bathroom. We are SO blessed with items that provide diversion and merriment. We have billions of Barbies, Pretty Ponys-a-plenty, bunches on books, crates of crayons, piles of pens, clumps and clumps of clay, collections of crafts, pounds of papers, satchels of scarves, hoards of hats, ship-loads of play shoes, countless costumes, quilts that never quit for making tents, and on and on� Santa does not need to find the house of the little M�s, but I know he will. Sadly, (he he) I will be one of the best and biggest contributors to the ever-growing �Toy Story M."

catsnapples~ at life in Bethlehem


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