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Over the river, and through the woods...

11.25.2002 | 9:40 pm

Over the river and through the woods...to Bethlehem I go. I know that sounds cheesy, but tonight I think backward and look to the future at the same time. I used to ALWAYS sing that as we would drive up Ogden Canyon to my Grandma McKay�s for Thanksgiving Day. It was a canyon just as you would imagine from an Ideals Magazine photo or Norman Rockwell painting...Americana, unspoiled. Indeed, as we sat around Grandma�s large, oval, dining room table, I can picture in my mind, that very scene of �Freedom From Want,� painted by Norman Rockwell. We were in reality, free from want and fear. Last year the Norman Rockwell Exhibit came to the Phoenix Art Museum. I went. I saw the original four freedoms paintings. They were moving and inspirational. So much of my childhood was picturesque and memorable. I want my grandchildren to have those same thoughts and memories. I want them to jump for joy when they know I am coming. I want them to look back on the time we spend together and think of things good and peaceful and joyful and grand. I want them to know that when I come to visit, life will be magical, musical, and full of stories, games and toys. We will go to the Crayola Factory or the Statue of Liberty or Gettysburg and we will enjoy and delight in the company of each other.

Tomorrow I am hoping for good weather, kind security at the airport, (I have a hip replacement that always sets off the bells and whistles) no delays or lost luggage, and a swift journey to Pennsylvania. Today was jam-packed with hustle and bustle. The substitute taking my class will have a very easy time of things. I left so many art projects, assignments, books, units, activities and broad educational opportunities tied up in seven tidy folders, that all she need do is enter the room, pick up the given folder for the day, and start. No preparation will be needed. Saturday and Sunday, hubby and I did it all. Today I tied up loose ends, �Widexed� all the surfaces, set out all the snacks and party goodies for Wednesday, sharpened the pencils, stacked the papers and books, turned off the lights and closed the door behind me. Leaving, with a peaceful assurance that I had done all necessary, and much more, to make life in the nut tree for the next seven school days very, very good! I think the little squirrels WILL miss me:)

Oldest daughter was over tonight, wishing she could go with me. I wish it too. Hubby is going to be the keeper of the kitties. He always says he doesn�t care about them, but the kitties seem to like him anyway. So I�ll kiss the kitties, the hubby, and sunny Arizona good bye... and go over the river... and through the woods...


catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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