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Saturday Stuff

10/26/2002 | 10:11 pm

You could say we were having a "white Saturday " here in the Arizona desert. A huge storm blew in about 2:30 pm and deposited thumbnail sized hail all over the landscape. We are chilling out in the 60's...degrees that is. For all us desert rats, that is COLD!

Today we started readying our son's bedroom for his return. He has been living in Hiroshima, Japan for the last two years. He has been a missionary for our church. He is my third missionary, so you would think I would be used to sending them off. However, this two years has been VERY long for me. I think it's because he is my youngest, and I share so many things in common with him. He was a budding musician at the ripe old age of two 1/2. He was watching the piano tuner work on the strings one afternoon, and began telling him which direction to turn the tuning hammer as he worked his way through the keys. After the man was finished, he came into talk to me and informed me that "this little guy needs to start on the piano ASAP." When James turned 6, and had begun to read, he started piano and never looked back. As a child, he practiced without ever being prodded. He took up voice and trumpet and excelled in both. During his Senior year in high school, he was the #1 bass in two All State choirs. He was also my kid who got straight A's all the time. :) (brag, brag) I'm so glad he's coming home.

Hubby was busy all day moving and rearranging bedrooms so we could paint and fix up. I did normal Saturday stuff: clean , shop, nails, nap, and watch cooking shows on the PBS station.

Isn't the new lay out just the "cat's meow!"

catsnapples~ at home and about


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