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Moving Day

10/07/2002 | 6:43 pm

Moving Day

Today is the day she moves. We have been teary, together, off and on for about two days.

Where are you going my little one, little one

Where are you going my baby my all?

She was born with peircing blue eyes and rosebud lips. I could pick her out in the line-up of babies at church without hesitation. Her hair was and is like golden, spun fibers of light.

Turn around and your young,

Turn around and your grown

Turn around and you're a grown one

With dreams of your own

She has done so much in her young life: Braces, glasses, contact lenses, school plays, HMS Pinnafore, Berlin, Denise, college, Brigadoon, funny friends, foriegn languages, Kiss Me Kate, Bulgaria, returning, BYU, MTC mailroom coming home, life changes, more college, true love, heart break, family love, a grandmothers' love that is eternal, teaching, Seniors, freshman, Queen Creek Bulldogs, colleagues, Mother that loves too much, father that prays and blesses, sister that cares and hopes, nieces giving joy, cousins to e-mail, hope for the future, all that is good, trying to forget all that was painful, moving out, moving on, moving beyond, to reach for that which has been promised to you.

Is this the little girl I carried?

Sunrise, sunset, sunrise, sunset,

Blossoming even as you go.

catsnapples~ saying farwell to her eldest


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