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Monday All Over Again

09/16/2002 | 4:43 pm

Monday All Over Again

Well, here we are back in the apple tree with all the little first grade squirrels. Everything went relatively well today except for trying to teach subtraction. Take note..*September is usually too early to begin subtraction for 6 year olds. A few caught on, but most were deeply lost in the woods. I ran out of patience, so we quit subtraction and went to magnets. They love the magnets.

Did I mention that it is still over 100 degrees during our P.M. recess time. Well, it is. Today I had duty. All the kids like to come and stand in the shade with me. I don't blame them.

Tomorrow is picture day at school. I really don't like picture day. It just messes up the whole day.

Then, on Wednesday we have a half day for teacher inservice. I don't like half days either. They take away all our specials and shorten lunch. It makes for extra work and then we have to go to useless meetings all afternoon. Imagine some schoolboard actually giving teachers paid time to prepare for class instead of just allowing us fly by the seat of our pants or take our whole weekend writing lesson plans and such. Novel idea.

Two of my four kids need new cars. We haven't had much luck with great cars through the years. I need a new car too, but I'll get by. The hubby and I share right now. We don't want to take on another payment till our youngest son is home from Japan. So, if you see me 'a-thummin' as you drive down the road sometime, don't hesitate to stop. I am really quite friendly.

catsnapples in first grade and at life


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