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A Day to Rest

09/15/2002 | 2:25 pm

A Day ti Rest

Today has been so nice. I got up, went to church, came home, talked to the fam, and then took a nap. I am now cooking a really good Sunday dinner. This is really the only day I have the time or inclination to cook.

I am actually a very good cook. I cook like my Grandmothers(both of them) used to cook.. By instinct and experience. I can do almost anything with hamburger, chicken, spagetti noodles, rice or potatoes. It's funny though, I never like to make thimgs really gourmet and chop garlic and onions. As I reached for the dehidrated onions to put on the pot roast, it occured to me how rediculous it was. Here I was cooking from scratch, but not completely. It will still taste very good, and my husband always does the dishes.

My daughter's dumb dog ate chichen bones this week end. I know I shouldn't worry about the "granddog", but I knew if he got sick and didn't make it, the little girls would truely be sad. I talked with her when I got home from church, and she thought it was silly that I was worried about the dog. But, he is OK. She said she nearly brought his life to an end before the chicken bones could hurt him. She was so mad at him! He is just a puond puppy, you know.

Well, if anyone is reading this entry, you will notice a very nice change, thanks to the magical webmistress, twiggle. Thank you so much twiggle.

catsnapples at home today


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