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At Home in PA

06.19.2004 | 11:39 pm

Hello from PA!

I have been here two weeks, with one week to go. When I saw the kids at the airport they had changed and matured in so many ways during the 9 months I was not able to see them. This fact makes my visit all the more special.

Hubby and just married daughter with spouce were also here through the first week. We were a bit crowded, but had a jolly time. Joseph, my newest in-law, has a special way with kids. He comes from a big family and his mother is truly the sweetest person. Joseph can't help but be the perfect "father type" when playing with the kids.

I came armed with craft supplies and cooking recipes to do with the girls through the three week stay. So far we have painted with watercolores, used the scrapbooking scissors and punches to make designs and pictures, made chocolate "turtles" with Hershey' Swoops, marshmallows, blue gel frosting to simulate water and crushed Heath Bar Bits for sand on the the little turtle beach.

We have been to Ellis Island and the Statue of LIberty. That day we also braved pouring rain and wind through our journey. In spite of the weather, Ellis Island hade a profound effect on me. I felt as though I was in a very special and almost sacred plce, as this is where hundreds of thousands came through seeking, hoping and building America what it is today.

We made our way north to Scarsdale, after the islands, to the home of my sister. She and her husband are living there for three years, serving as Mission President to the New York, New York North Mission. They take care of about 170 missionaries which procelite and serve all over the northern part of Manhattan, the Bronks, up into Yonkers and Scarsdale. I never would have imagined my sister and her husband, moving from their quiet little corner of the world in Sandpoint, ID to brave the big city to serve. Anyway...they have been in NY for a year now and can find their way through the nightmare that is New York traffic. Our little caravan managed to find the mission home (a beautiful Tudor style about 100 years old) and we enjoyed a really fun evening of visiting, eating and watching all the grandkids play together. (there were five) We headed back to PA and got home about midnight....Pooped!

We have also taken the kids to several local attractions such as... a mineature train exhibit laid out in a room about the size of a large dining hall, Cabello's an outdoor sportsman's paradise with stuffed animals from all over the world. This bothered me a great deal. I do not like shooting and killing for sport. Life is life and as humans we have stewardship over the beasts of the fields. Killing them for fun is not good stewardship at all! As a total contradiction in purposes, we were able to buy the most delicious fudge at this place among all the destroyed animals. Wierd

oday Marie and I took the kids into Philly to a "Hands-on Museum". It was excellent. Even Mckay, who is now 17 months, was engaged in every activity. The activities centered around plots from different children's book...Alice in Wonderland, Where the Wild Things Are, artists like Mary Cassat, types of transportation, and much, much more. There was not a dull second all afternoon!

Tomorrow Buster, the grand-dog has to go to the vet. He has lost a front tooth and needs to be seen and fixed up by the Doggie Dentist. Poor Buster! I will be holding down the fort while mom's away. I hope I make it. I am still so very slow in the mornings. Sometimes it is very discouraging. I try not to let it get me down though.

In 1951 (the year you were born)
Harry Truman is president of the US

Julius Rosenberg and his wife Ethel are found guilty of conspiracy to commit wartime espionage

President Truman removes General Douglas MacArthur from his command in Korea from making unauthorized policy statements

Inauguration of transcontinental television with President Truman's address at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference

Scientists develop UNIVAC I, the first mass produced computer

Rush Limbaugh, Tommy Hilfiger, and Orson Scott Card are born

he Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger is published

Disc jockey Alan Freed uses the term rock and roll to describe R&B, in an effort to introduce the music to a broader white audience

New York Yankees win the World Series

Los Angeles Rams win the NFL championship

Toronto Maple Leafs win the Stanley Cup

I Love Lucy debuts

What Happened the Year You Were Born?
More cool things for your blog at Blogthings

catsnapples~ at home in PA


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