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First Day and more..

08.15.2003 | 11:17 pm

For a teacher, who insists upon her students writing in their journal every day, uninterrupted, I certainly haven�t been a very good example. What a BUZY week I have had! I started out in a state of chaos, suffering with 115 degree temperatures, only to end today with a balmy 92, and a contented feeling of �all is well�.for now.�

Last Sunday, the day following all the nephew�s weddings, I did nothing but lounge around home trying to restore my energy for the coming week. I�m glad I got a running start at it. The abysmal state of my room was a terrifying thought, as I knew 23 little squirrels would be prancing down the hallway and into the door by Tuesday evening. (Meet the teacher night) Looking at this picture, one would hold out little hope for all to be put together in time.

Early Monday morning, I was out to school and ready to�..sit in a meeting ALL morning. ARGH! Fortunately, my principal is no longer a novice, and the morning meeting lasted a mere 1 � hours. I was off in a flash to my new, basement room, ready to hit the boxes with a vengeance. The rest of Monday and all of Tuesday were devoted to the make-over of my room. Hubby came out and put up all the number and alphabet cards. He also did some heavy lifting and moving. I am very grateful for his generous nature when it comes to being a �good do-bee.� My school is about 12 miles from home, and I didn�t want to run back and forth. I packed up all my make-up, curling iron, hair spray and a change of clothes early that morning. By 4:30, Tuesday afternoon, I was finished with bulletin boards, desks, parent letters and anything else needed to greet the parents of the squirrels. A quick wardrobe change and make-up re-do put me ready for the big meeting. That night I met all but three sets of parents, assorted students, and many brothers and sister of aforementioned students. All in all, meet the teacher night was a great success. Wednesday was again spent in�meetings! By the afternoon, all the staff was anxious to return to their rooms, make lesson plans, and get in line at the copy machine.

Thursday, the first day of school dawned hot and humid. Yes, even in the desert we occasionally get some moisture. All teachers were required to be out on duty by 8:10 AM. By 8:12, I had worked up a dripping sweat, and my lovely hair-do had gone flat for the day. Really, that was the only negative to the whole first day. Since most of my class came with me from first grade, we just stared in right where we had left off. The new students I received from other classes or new move-in�s seem to be very capable students. Whew�sigh of relief. Here they are on the first day, beaming brightly.

It is amazing to me how much each child has gained in growth and maturity over the summer. Another miracle that was today�we reached only 92* and we had NO loss of electricity.

catsnapples~ in 2nd grade and at life


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