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Just Like Christmas

08.10.2003 | 4:13 pm

The summer of Harry Potter and weddings is at an end. Last night was the last of the family wedding receptions and the Harry Potter books are tucked away on the book shelf for another time. My summer vacation is all over and tomorrow I return officially to school to begin with meetings and preparations for the beginning of school�.THURSDAY! It hardly seems possible that my freedom will vanish with the sunset tonight.

This week I had great aspirations of getting my entire room ready for the beginning of school. Good intentions, that is, until we visited hubby�s sister for her birthday last Sunday and the other sister-in-law called to arrange going to lunch the next day. That sounded way more fun that unpacking boxes at school, so I went to lunch. Tuesday, I stayed home and cleaned house, knowing I needed to get things ready for the newlyweds to come for the wedding taking place on Saturday (yesterday) In the interim, Id be flying to Salt Lake City for another nephew�s wedding with brother, the Podiatrist, and his wife. Wednesday I did go out to school for a workshop and a quick look at the mess in my room�UGH. That evening, we took the plane to SLC, landing about 10:00 PM, renting a car, and driving to a cousin�s house to spend the night.

Early the next morning, Thursday, we were up and dressed in our finery to attend the wedding in the Jordan River Temple. The Salt Lake area has three Temples: the large granite structure that many associate with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, with the tall spires, the Bountiful and Jordan River Temples. My nephew, David, was married to the sweetest girl that morning. The ceremony was beautiful, the weather and the grounds were lovely for pictures. The reunion with family was fabulous. That afternoon, sister, brother and I took a short trip to Ogden to visit our Aunt Janice. She is the last living member in our father�s family. She had a debilitating stroke many years ago and is not able to speak, but she remembers us quite well. After our visit, we drove back to SLC, dropped sister off at her hotel, returned the rental car, and waited for our flight to return to Phoenix.* Every time I went through the metal detectors at the airport, I set off the alarms and had to be searched�a process that can grow OLD very quickly!* We waited for hubby to pick us up at the airport for 45 minutes in the sweltering heat. I was really put-out with him. I knew he had gone to his DUMB scout meeting and hadn�t left the DUMB scout meeting early enough to be to the airpor on time. I literally had to wring out my clothing when I got home�Grrrr. I jumped in the shower and hubby turned around, returned to the airport for the J�s from New Mexico. I didn�t feel sorry for him one bit.

Friday was the day I FINALLY got out to school. What a job I had facing me. There were boxes and materials strewn from one end of the room to the other. I started with my desk. After the desk was in order, then the bulletin boards were finished. And that, dear friends is where I am still stuck. None of the games or puzzles are sorted and put away. None of the text books have been handed out. None of the parent letters have been, thought-up, typed or copied. I am SO not ready for school to start!

Saturday was the last of the weddings. This time it was my nephew, Shawn. Unfortunately, the weather was sizzling and the picture opportunities weren�t as nice as those I found in Salt Lake two days previously. The luncheon and reception were, however, wonderful. Again, lots of family and friends came to cheer the newlyweds and celebrate the occasion. Shawn paid a visit to our table during the evening and told us he only had about three hours of sleep the night before his wedding. He said, "I was so excited...it was just like Christmas!" By the time the bride and groom made their get-away, we were tired and ready for a snooze.

As I enter the world of my little squirrels, once again, wish me luck~ as the inevitable approach of school looms into view, and I must face the nut tree all over again.

catsnapples~ in second grade and at life


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