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Finding Nemo ...Up a Tree

08.02.2003 | 8:54 pm

Well. We did it! Hubby and I went out to school to begin the grueling process of putting my room together. I had forgotten that I had taken all my first grade materials to the new room, because I will probably teach first grade the next year and loop with that class to second. What an abysmal mess we faced! Things had been hurriedly thrown in boxes last May by me and hubby. Next we came to the daunting task of sorting through everything and organizing it all. YUCK! We ended up putting all the first grade stuff up on the highest shelves, thus leaving room for the second grade reading and math books closer to the ground. Hubby had to move all my file cabinets into their new corner, situate the reading table and get all the desks put in groups of six. My room seems awfully crowded after everything was set. On Monday, I will return to do the bulletin boards, fill book shelves, sort and store all the math manipulatives, prepare parent letters, make journals, and generally do the fine tuning. I�m sure I won�t get it all done on Monday either. UGH! My knees hurt�that�s all I can say about the whole adventure.

We downloaded all the pictures from Pennsylvania. I am still having trouble getting that blasted digital camera to focus. Most of the pictures I took are fuzzy. *darn* Hubby was able to get some very sweet images of the girls, the baby and even me�the granny.

Baby McKay and Grandma B..

Melanie, playing in the garden.

Me, Marie, and the little girls, watching the local guys fly-fishing at the Lehigh Fish Nursery.

The girls�Finding Nemo.

Meredith, up a tree.

catsnapples~ in second grade and at life


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