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In Pennsylvania

07.16.2003 | 4:37 pm

June 15, 2003�In Pennsylania

We have had the most pleasant of days today. This is the first time in about three months I have enjoyed being outside. We took the kids to the park for playgroup this morning. There were about five of six other moms with assorted ages of children from the (bethlehem Branch og the LDS CHurch) church group. Most of these women serve in the children�s group called the Primary on Sunday, and don�t have an opportunity to socialize much during their time together on Sunday. It was so fun to watch children of various ages just play freely together�no goals or expectations�jut fun.

June16, 2003�new carpet today

WOW, that was weird. We had a power surge last night as Matt and Marie were working ion pulling up old staples from the stairs. Matt didn�t have time to get this little computer going again till just now�10:30 AM I thought for sure this document would be LOST, but it popped right up.

It is cloudy and sprinkling right now. Do you know how LONG it has been since I saw any rain??? More than three (3) months. It is so dry in Arizona that I can�t keep a spot of grass green in my front yard. That has never happened in the 17 years I have lived in my home. That fact alone is shameful for my summertime record. I always manage to keep the lawns looking somewhat green, no matter how hot it gets.

The carpet man and his WIFE have been working all day on the upstairs carpeting. I think the M�s will be very happy with their new carpet. The old carpeting was white, but not, and smelled of smoke. We got Wendy�s for lunch and I have been reading the newest Harry Potter book while playing with the kids. How rough can life get? *he he*

catsnapples~ being the grannie


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