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Dancing Dreams

06.24.2003 | 5:05 pm

I went to get my hair cut today. It seems as though the back always grows longer and faster that the front. Suddenly, one morning, I wake up and I can�t do anything with my hair�.it won�t hold a curl. All my grey hair sticks out like it�s on the front line of a Broadway musical and so I throw up my hands and head for the salon. With all the stress of the wedding, I have been losing bunches of the precious golden thread in the bathroom sink. Janet, my long time hair cutter and friend, said to get some Biotin at Target. It is suppose to help restore that which has been lost. I hope so! I have never had a problem with thin hair�EVER! This is a new and frustrating development in my aging process. UGH! I really am so vain. I spend far too much time in front of the mirror every morning fixing my face and hair, but it can�t be helped. Without some assistance from Revlon, Almay, Cover Girl and Maybellene, I would be a ghost of myself� I have absolutely NO coloring. Without a good paint job every morning, I literally look ill unto death. In fact, on several occasions, when neighbors have dropped by on a Saturday or early in the morning, before I have completed my ritual, they have commented with words to that effect��Are you sick?� �Don�t you feel well?� Hmmm..

I am such a creature of schedule that when I have no pressing activities, I tend to get absolutely nothing accomplished. It is almost like I thrive on the pressure of deadlines in order to be successful. The last two days have been pretty lazy. I suppose I deserve a bit of a break, but it feels weird to dangle so freely with time. The only thing of importance taking place today is a wedding shower for the daughter of a friend and that hair cut mentioned previously. I have spent some time scanning in the studio photos of my own bride. They are so, so beautiful, but I�m sure you are all tired of me and my �big Mormon wedding.�

I was reading l-empress. She was talking about the fun times she had in days gone by learning to dance any kinds of dances. It brought back lots and lots of memories. When hobby and I were dating, we went to dances ALL the time. He was, and still is, an incredibly bad dancer, but doesn�t know it. We always had so much fun. Once a month we would meet with a group of friends and a square dance caller. That was the most fun of all. We danced till we dropped! Once, we were partners in a huge dance festival held at the Arizona State University stadium. Dancers from all over Arizona and New Mexico came together to perform many kinds of dances. We danced in the Mambo, samba, and cha-cha. What a BLAST! My, my how times have changed. Now, everyone just jumps around in a big huddle on the dance floor with no form or fashion whatsoever. I guess I�m old-fashioned when it comes to dancing. I think partners should be partners. They should hold each other correctly and really enjoy the art of the dance instead of slouching all over each other. Here I am, gloved, coifed and waiting for my date to the Spring Formal..circa 1971.

catsnapples~ dancin'

P.S. I just checked my site-meter. Why would anyone read 134 of my entries, yet not leave one note or add me as a favorite? STRANGE!


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