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Dante's Inferno

05.21.2003 | 11:14 am

Yesterday was a trip into h*** for our family. Not that anything bad in particular happened ....unless you consider the fact that both cars lost AC and it was 103*! By the time I made it home from school I was so wilted, I couldn�t fix dinner, help with the wedding announcements or be civil to anyone. I was under the gun to finalize report cards, so I set up in the den, turned on JAG and set about to pass final judgment upon the squirrels. By the time fourth quarter rolls around report cards are fairly easy. The most time consuming task is writing �comments� at the bottom of each report card. How do you tell a parent �nicely� that you are so happy to have had their child in your class? ..especially if it isn�t exactly true. I really only have about two boys that drive me mad on a regular basis, so I have been lucky this year. I was a gracious teacher and wrote nice things about each and every squirrel so I can rest easy this summer.

Right now the kids are spread out all over the room doing their �read-a-thon.� They are having a very nice, buzzy time. The room is abuzz with their voices reading and talking. After lunch they will write in their journals for the final time and then it�s on to the games. Everyone has brought their favorite board game to play with their friends. We have checker, Monopoly, Chutes and Ladders and all sorts of others. The trick with first graders is to help them play their games correctly and with a smile. At this age they are still having difficulty accepting defeat...even at a game of checkers.

On the week end I took my niece to see �Bend it Like Beckam.� It was a great movie. Anyone who has grown up, tried to break out af a preconceived �mold� your parents have cast for you, felt oppressed by gender issues, felt downtrodden by social issues or would just like to see a funny movie with a happy ending...this one�s for you. We laughed through the whole thing!

Well.. the lunch bell beckons us to our delicious repast...�manager�s choice� in the cafeteria.

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life

Orange..you on your highest state of allert?


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