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The Prez, the Buzz, and Me

04.08.2003 | 8:05 pm

The nut tree seemed almost normal today as I headed toward the office, prior to morning duty. I wanted to check with the attendance secretary to see if Katie had decided to stay with me or not. To my surprise and happiness, there she was�all smiles, ready to start over again. Her mom gave me a hug, and gave Katie a �high-five� and that was all it took. She went with me to the room, deposited her back pack at her desk, and went out to the playground to find her friends. She seemed a little sleepy today, but I gave her some extra encouragement, and she finished the day with a smile. * BIG sigh*

We are studying the desert and planting seeds simultaneously. I have prickly cactus, purchased at Walgreen�s, and a pile of potting soil by the sink. The children are watering their seeds with spry-bottles right now until we get some sprouts. They LOVE it! Although I can�t seem to keep my beautifully manicured nails clean, this is really a nice break from �science on paper.� It seems strange to me that the district cannot seem to get my science kits to me this year. I really don�t know why. I have called the science office several times, received promises, but no results. Finally this weekend, to assuage my angst about the parent meeting I was to have on Monday, I went to the store and spent way too much money on potting soil, seeds, and trowels. Everybody had hugely messy desks yesterday when were all finished�.but we should have growing, living things in a few days. How exciting is that!!!

I am looking ahead to a Spring/Easter goodie to make in class. Here are some things from the Mars/M&M site that I like.

We could make bees with Snickers and M&M�s.

Or, we could make butterflies with Skittles.

And there are always Funny Bunny Cookies.

President G.W.B. and I have such tough choices!

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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